<p class="Paragraph"><help:help-text value="visible">Click this icon to insert a hyperlink from the current URL into your document. The <help:popup Id="65629" Eid="url">URL</help:popup> is taken from the collection box for <span style="font-weight:bold;">Internet URLs</span>, the name is taken from the <span style="font-weight:bold;">URL Name</span> combo box.</help:help-text></p>
<p class="Paragraph">When clicking here, you will see a menu where you determine if you want the <help:popup Id="65629" Eid="hyperlink" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help">hyperlink</help:popup> to be inserted as text or as a button. Point to the <span class="T1">Link</span> icon, press the mouse key, and hold the key down for a moment. You will then see a selection menu where you can choose between the options <span class="T1">As text</span> or <span class="T1">As button</span>. Drag the mouse pointer to the desired option and release the button there. The hyperlink is then either marked in color as text and underlined or represented as a button, depending on your selection.</p>